Precious oil-wax waterproof coating
IT CONTAINS OILS AND WAXES that bring out the most beautiful characteristics of wood
IT PROVIDES THE SURFACE WITH WATER-REPELLENT QUALITY protecting the wood against water absorption
IT DOES NOT CREATE A COAT allowing the wood to “breathe”
IT BRINGS OUT THE NATURAL COLOUR OF THE WOOD making it even more beautiful (clear version)
IT PENETRATES DEEP INTO THE WOOD reinforcing its structure
IT PROTECTS AGAINST DUST BUILD-UP, so that the beautiful wooden surface is not disfigured
WEATHER-RESISTANT. It can protect wood used outdoors.
Please note: For orders over 200 litres, we will prepare the W2 in a colour individually agreed with the customer.
OIL COMPOSITION – it allows for deep penetration into the wood structure for protection against water
WAX MIXTURE – it forms a barrier against water and dirt and nourishes the wood
DEAROMATIZED SOLVENT – it improves penetration of waxes and oils into the wood
RESINS – they reinforce the oil, so that wood treated in this way does not need to be renewed often
liquid of a colour appropriate to the product range
it dissolves well in petrol
store in original, properly labelled, sealed packaging at 5-23 °C
0,82 g/cm3
viscosity cup flow time Φ 3 mm: 23 ± 3 s
at least 12 months from the date of manufacture
A very good finishing effect is achieved with just two coats of oil.
The surface to be impregnated should be saturated thoroughly and evenly.
In the case of impregnation of untreated wood and elements exposed to harmful atmospheric conditions, pre-impregnation with agents such as DEKOLIT PRO, DEKOLIT KD EXTRA, DEKOLIT KD, DECORATIVE WOOD IMPREGNATING AGENT is recommended.
Apply W2 twice a year in order to maintain the effects.
10 l canister, 200 l drum, 1000 l tank
44 packs of 10 l / 2 drums of 200 l
The moisture content of the wood should be max. 25%. The wood should be cleaned, dry, smooth, degreased, without residues of previous coatings. Infected surfaces should be cleaned to untreated wood or replaced with new wood.
Use commercial product. Immediately before use, the formulation should be thoroughly mixed to the proper consistency.
Apply 2-3 coats consecutively by brush, roller or spray. For a very smooth surface, use fine-grained sandpaper after the first coat has dried.
Apply subsequent coats after 14-24 hours.
Mix during the work to maintain a homogeneous consistency. The ambient temperature should be between 10 °C and 30 °C. Relative air humidity should be below 70 % – do not paint in humid conditions (e.g. rain, fog, snow or when they are likely to occur), in hot afternoons or in strong wind. The painting conditions determine the drying time of the agent coat and the properties of the obtained coating.
1 litre of W2 is sufficient for one coat of paint:
15-20 m2 pre-worked or pre-treated wood 10-15 m2 untreated wood
W2 dries from 12 to 24 hours at 20 °C and a relative humidity of 55%.
Wash tools with white spirit.
If we want to use wood and enjoy its colour and warm to the touch structure, we should think about its maintenance with oil- or wax-based products. If we want to use oil- and wax-treated wood outdoors, e.g. for decking, the product must be weather-resistant and equally abrasion-resistant.
In order to achieve the effect of natural wood, which is warm to the touch, emphasise its texture, highlight its natural colour (clear version) and protect wooden facades, beams, balustrades, shutters, doors, gazebos pergolas or garden furniture against water and dirt, it is worth using the W2 oil-wax agent.
Tiles and grout
Wooden houses
Slatted fences
Garden furniture
Stored sawn timber
Stored logs
Soffit boards
Acoustic screens
Rafter framing
Wooden structures
Platforms for scaffolding
Walls and ceilings